A real-time analysis module to assess the impact of genetic variants on database collection
The following options are available:
- The input: Standard VCF file
- Genome Assembly: Genome assembly selected for analysis. (default: Human/hg38)
- Modification Type: Modification type selected for analysis. (default: m7G)
- Association Level: The association level (AL) between genetic variant and RNA modification site, AL ranges from 0 to 1 with 1 indicating the greatest impact of the variant on modification status. Users can tune this value. (default: 0.4)
- Prediction Mode: Two prediction modes are available. Experimentally validated m7G datasets mode: the uploaded SNPs will be analyzed to assess their impact on the collected m7G datasets. This will report predicted m7G-loss variants in high and medium confidence levels, respectively. Transcriptome-wide prediction mode: the m7GSNPer predicts the impact of reference- and mutated-sequences (altered by the uploaded SNPs) around transcriptome-wide guanosines, reporting m7G-loss and m7G-gain variants in the low confidence level.