Geo2vec: Geographic encoding of transcripts enabled high-accuracy and isoform-aware deep learning of m6A RNA methylation sites

Function: ChunkTX Feature Extraction

  • Genome: either hg19 or hg38.
  • Annotation (two TxDbs and four Ensembl Dbs from Bioconductor):
    1) TxDb19 and EnsDb75 (TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene / Ensembl v75 for hg19)
    2) TxDb38, EnsDb79, and EnsDb86 (TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene / Ensembl v79 / Ensembl v86 / Ensembl v104 for hg38)
  • Exon only: either TRUE or FALSE (whether the site can only be mapped to exonic regions)
  • Longest transcript only: either TRUE or FALSE (whether to consider only the longest transcript)
  • Protein coding only: either TRUE or FALSE (whether to consider only protein coding transcripts)
  • Encoding: one of the following Geo2vec encodings (onehotTX, landmarkTX, gridTX, chunkTX)
  • E-mail Address: a notification will be sent to the Email when your job is finished.


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